
Monday, 7 June 2010

Some things don't have to fail

So my family's planned trip to Vietnam was an epic fail. Because of a technicality involving passport expiration dates, they didn't even get on the plane. Here is a picture of me missing them like all get-out but still trying to make the best of things at karaoke:

What is that thing floating above my head? Is it a ray of hope?!? I think it is!

Because life goes on. And that brings me to Bernardo and the Virgin, and the man who brought them to literary life, Silvio Sirias (that's him up top). Being literary characters, Bernardo and the Virgin are unencumbered by such things as visas and embassies and nasty-mean-uncaring immigration officials that make life difficult for mere mortals like us. 

insouciance personified

So they are going to drop by 'Nam the day after tomorrow for a little Q&A on Wednesday, June 9. Check it out! Here is a schedule (involving a free mola giveaway!!!):

  1. I will post questions and Silvio will answer them. Please feel free to comment and ask your own questions, too. As an author, he will be required by the rules of the universe to TELL ALL. (It's like virtual truth or dare! Except only truth.)
  2. Silvio will stop by and answer your questions and then you will ask more.
  3. You all will be so taken by his wit and wisdom that you will immediately buy his book from Condor Book Tours and they will donate 100% of their commissions to Unicef's Storybook Gift project. This is a project that sends culturally appropriate storybooks to children in need throughout the world (more info here).
  4. I will choose one commenter at random to receive a free mola
  5. A live chat will go down at the Condor Book site on Friday, June 11th 7-8pm EST and Friday, June 18th 7-8 pm EST
  6. Children will be helped, molas will be given, Bernardo and the Virgin will be promoted, and world peace will ensue.
Holy mola! This could be yours!

Hope to see you there.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear the sad news about your family's trip!! major :(

    I love your positive outlook as expressed on #6

    "children will be helped, molas will be given, Bernardo and the Virgin will be promoted, and world peace will ensue." LOVE.It. :)

  2. Thanks, Nilki, I'm glad I crack someone up besides just myself.
