As mentioned previously, I have been considering staying in Vietnam for another year. Now it looks quite certain that I will. I have had my fair share of culture shock and loneliness while here, but it can't shake the certainty that I love this country! Thank you to all of you who have prayed for me and responded to my e-mails, letters and posts; you have been a great support.
When you really like a place, it's a good idea to write down the reasons why. Then later on, when culture shock comes back in full force and you question how you got yourself into this place where nothing makes sense...well it can be a helpful reminder that even if you don't understand anything, there are still some things you like.
So here is my top-ten list of things I like about Vietnam.
10. Naptime is a must.
9. In the Old Quarter, there is a coffee shop about every ten meters.
8. Disney channel is NOT just for kids, and vegetables are NOT just for grownups.
7. Escargo can be had for pennies.
6. On the side of the road on a typical day you can buy the following: bunnies, goldfish, jackfruit, lottery tickets, cell phone stickers, roses, and haircuts.
5. It's totally okay to burp. And pick your nose. Seriously, everyone does it!
4. Purple jeans are normal.
3. It's okay for people of the same sex to hold hands in public.
2. Bún bò, phở cuốn, avocado shakes, pork rolls, yogurt coffee (or is it coffee yogurt?), and bún chả, i.e., the reasons I gained five pounds my first week here.
1. In the city of Hanoi, you can go just about anywhere that's worth going to by bike.
Bird Guides of the World: Tom Tarrant, Australia
23 hours ago
Dear Hannah,
ReplyDeleteIt's great to hear of all you continue to experience in Vietnam. Keep the words flowing... your writing consistently puts a smile on my face!